Neuenhaus town hall, meeting room 15

Latest news

Meeting of the senior citizens' advisory council of the Neuenhaus joint municipality

1. welcome, determination of those present and quorum, approval of the agenda
2. Approval of the minutes of 12.11.2024
3. Citizens' questions (if present)
4. Reports
- 20.11.2024 Care tables
- 15.01.2025 Media café (next date 05.02.2025)
5. Dates
- 18.02.2025 Event "Enkeltrick etc." cancelled (speaker ill)
- 27.03.2025 Event AG Weser-Ems in Lingen

- 01.04.2025 Meeting of the county's senior citizens' councils in Uelsen

- 28.04.2025 Care tables

- 29.04.2025 Event "First aid for senior citizens" (DRK Lager Straße)

- 10.06.2025 Date of new election for the Seniors' Advisory Council (18:00)

6. questions/suggestions

- 20.05.2025 Next meeting of the Seniors' Advisory Council

Neuenhaus, 30 January 2025
Friedrich Reurik, 1st Chairman