1. welcome, determination of those present and quorum, approval of the agenda
2. Approval of the minutes of 12.11.2024
3. Citizens' questions (if present)
4. Reports
- 20.11.2024 Care tables
- 15.01.2025 Media café (next date 05.02.2025)
5. Dates
- 18.02.2025 Event "Enkeltrick etc." cancelled (speaker ill)
- 27.03.2025 Event AG Weser-Ems in Lingen
- 01.04.2025 Meeting of the county's senior citizens' councils in Uelsen
- 28.04.2025 Care tables
- 29.04.2025 Event "First aid for senior citizens" (DRK Lager Straße)
- 10.06.2025 Date of new election for the Seniors' Advisory Council (18:00)
6. questions/suggestions
- 20.05.2025 Next meeting of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Neuenhaus, 30 January 2025
Friedrich Reurik, 1st Chairman