By order dated 3 February 2025, the district of Grafschaft Bentheim approved the 35th amendment to the land use plan of the Neuenhaus joint municipality (as amended in 2005) adopted by the council of the Neuenhaus joint municipality on 19 December 2024 in accordance with Section 6 (1) of the German Building Code (BauGB). At its meeting on 23 October 2024, the council of the town of Neuenhaus adopted development plan no. 96 "Veldhausen Fire Brigade" as a statute in accordance with Section 10 (1) BauGB. The 35th amendment to the land use plan and development plan no. 96 were published on 6 March 2025. With the announcement, the amended land use plan becomes effective in accordance with Section 6 (5) BauGB. The aforementioned development plan also comes into force in accordance with Section 10 (3) sentence 4 BauGB.
Here you can find the planning documents and the announcement:
=> 35th amendment to the FNP for the Neuenhaus joint municipality
=> B-Plan No. 96 "Veldhausen Fire Brigade" City of Neuenhaus