Arbitration office
"Getting along is better than complaining"
The joint municipality of Neuenhaus has set up an arbitration office for its district. The duties are carried out by arbitrators who must be at least 30 years old. They are appointed by the council of the joint municipality for a period of five years. They are obliged to maintain confidentiality and impartiality and their work is voluntary.
When can the arbitration office help
In certain disputes, you must use the arbitration office before going to court. This is mandatory before bringing a private lawsuit (for example, in the case of insult or damage to property). In civil law disputes (e.g. compensation for damages or neighbour disputes), recourse to the arbitration office is voluntary.
An attempt is made to reach an agreement in the "door-to-door" procedure (informal procedure, without minutes). This agreement is legally effective and valid for thirty years. You can find more information about the arbitration office in this flyer.
At the meeting of the council of the Neuenhaus joint municipality on 26 May 2020, Hermann Züwering was elected as arbitrator and Albin Trüün as deputy arbitrator for a term of 5 years with effect from 1 June 2020.